

Located in Russia.

Saratov is a city in the southeast of the European part of Russia. Large cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga.

Located on the right bank of the Volgograd reservoir of the Volga River opposite the mouth of the Saratovka River and the city of Engels, located on the opposite bank.

Saratov is a multifunctional center with numerous industrial, cultural, and educational institutions. In the historic center are the administration of the city and the region (a complex of buildings built in the late XIX – mid XX century); theaters: opera and ballet (1875), drama (1803), young spectator (1918), conservatory (1912), circus (1876), philharmonic (1937); museums: Saratov Art Museum named after A.N. Radishchev (1885), K.A. Fedin Museum (building from the beginning of the 18th century), Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s museum-estate (beginning of the 19th century); a large number of architectural monuments of the late XVIII – early XX centuries of federal and regional significance.


Source: Wikipedia

Author of photos: О. Bubnova